Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Trivia Tuesday!

You might remember back to a previous post called Fun Facts. My intention was to keep this a re-occuring weekly post, but some how, time seemed to intervene and it was pushed to the back burner... as most great ideas do. I also wanted to have it occur on a particular day of the week (you know, to keep some structure in my life), but since I already had Fat Friday, I can't also have Fun Fact Friday (and I do love my alliterations...).

My fans seemed to really like the Fun Facts (ie, all 2 of them), so today I introduce to you, what should be re-occuring weekly, Trivia Tuesday! These will be fun quizzes that you can surely enjoy while procrastinating at work or while drinking your morning coffee, and I invite you to share your scores by posting a comment.

Today, let's test your General Knowledge about Popular Culture.

My knowledge is apparently not that great, as I only scored 40% on this particular challenge. Can you do better?


  1. I scored a "perfect" zero -at least it was perfect (or so they said).

  2. Ouch! 20% That was tough!!

  3. 40% for me too....are we related????? keep up the good work. look forward to reading your thoughts every day Marg


I always welcome comments! Please feel free to share...


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