Monday, May 09, 2011

Crafty Find: Knitted Bicycle

This Crafty Find comes directly from my very own camera. As Matt and I strolled along Queen Street West one lovely Saturday afternoon, the window display of a clothing store, Comrags, caught my eye. But it wasn’t the clothes, though, it was the knitted bicycle! With my recent Crafty Finds of yarn bombing, this came pretty close to the real thing.

This window display brought visions of riding a bike through a sunny park, the scent of freshly cut grass wafting through the air. Perhaps we stop for an ice cream cone and people watch for a while. Doesn’t that sounds like the most ideal and relaxing weekend out there? And since the nice weather has finally arrived, I might just have to rent a bike and do just that one weekend.

The detail work on this is very impressive, and even though I’m pretty sure there's a real bike underneath, figuring out how to cover everything with must have taken a lot of measurements and careful calculations. That must have taken a lot of time and patience by a very talented knitter/artist. I wonder what I have at home to cover with knitting....? Must go home and investigate.

1 comment:

  1. if you made this with pure wool, and you rode it in the rain, would it become a mini bike??


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