Wouldn't it be awesome if the Knitting Machine were a cross between a Time Machine and a Knitter? Well, it kind of is, because working on a knitting machine means you can knit at super sonic speeds!! It would also be a great title of a novel, like a sci-fi novel...I'm working on it...
Let me share with you what I mean. For those of you unfamiliar with anything other than two hands and a pair of knitting needles, a knitting machine is a stationary tool that has many needles that knits a piece of fabric in no time, by simply moving the 'carriage' back and forth (the picture hopefully shows you kind of how it works, otherwise, I've since discovered several instructional videos at youtube.com).
There are some very complex machines, and some very simple ones, and the knitting machine I borrowed from my mother-in-law is the latter that simply clamps onto a table. After a bit of practice, I finally got the hang of knitting basic rectangles to turn in scarves and wraps. Well, in tidying up the apartment, Matt thought it was time to give it back, so I finished up two last projects. Actually, they were two wraps that were meant for Erin for Christmas, but time got the better of me and I never got a chance to finish them up (so we just gave Erin the balls of yarn with the promise that they would one day get finished).

I'm tempted to invest (they can be several thousands of dollars!) in a more high tech knitting machine in the future, but that won't happen until I have a knitting/sewing room to keep it in (and possibly win the lottery...). For now, Diane can have her machine back, and I'll continue knitting away the old fashioned way.
OK... Now I need instruction on how to use it!