I finished up a project last summer (look at that wonderful tan!!), spending many hours knitting at the cottage and during our long car rides to and fro. Well, to be honest, I don't think I've actually put it on and worn it out. It's not that I don't like how it turned out, because I do. It's warm and cozy, but I just don't think it quite works for me. Of course, when I put it on to show people what I mean, they say it looks just fine, even cute. But I know myself that if I haven't worn it in a year, I'm probably not going to wear in the next year (it's kind of like cleaning out your closet...just pull the band aid off already, and forget about it!) But I love the yarn, and so I am very tempted to just unravel the entire thing and start fresh on a new project. And I know that once I pull out that first row, there's no going back!

Now, don't try to talk me out of it - I've pretty much made up my mind. Besides, what fun is knitting a project that you're not going to wear? All that time plus the lovely yarn would just sit in my closet. So, I'll shed a single tear as I unravel it all, and then move on to something else that I know I'll enjoy knitting and wearing. Now, the questions is, what?!
I'm pretty sure that ripping out knitting is actually called "frogging" -- weird!
ReplyDeleteI've heard stories about hardcore knitters going to places like Value Village or Goodwill and scouring the racks for super cheap sweaters and what not with perfectly good wool, that can then be frogged, and turned into something much nicer!
You could just give it to your good friend Christine. She would probably really like it.
ReplyDeleteGee, I wonder who "Anonymous" is.
ReplyDeleteJess - thanks for the great little bit of knitting knowledge! I had no idea that frogging was the word used. And I totally love the idea of using old sweaters to create something new. Might have to give that a try one day...
ReplyDeleteChristine/Anonymous - the sweater has already been frogged and started fresh... sorry, hon.