My friends, I know I've been rather tardy on the posts lately, and for that I hope you'll forgive me. It's not for a lack of things to post about, because I certainly have many things to share with you, but for the moment, I'll chalk it up to long days at the "office"...
But for today's post, I hope you'll indulge me a moment and let me share with you just a few wonderful little thoughts (I know, a little late...) of just how amazing a women my mother is. Yes, Mother's Day is only celebrated one day of the year, but I'm sure all of you have either first hand experience, or at least can understand, just how hard being a mother is.
Growing up, my mom was always around to offer advice and guidance, whip up cookies and cakes for bake sales, and of course be there to care for a scraped knee. She kept us organized as a family, keeping track of who needed to be where and when. She planned our family vacations and trips, she cooked us some fantastic meals, and she didn't put up with any crap from us three kids...
But Marg, Mom, you went above and beyond.
I remember the gingerbread houses you used to bake for the school, and the will power it generated in us (feared into us, perhaps... ) to see it sit in the living room with the implied DO NOT TOUCH. Instead, we saw it sit there, covered with tasty sweets and treats, knowing full well that some lucky raffle winner at school would be taking it home. On the up side, there generally was some left over candy that we could munch on... And you always baked us homemade birthday cakes with a quarter hidden for a lucky kid to find (I remember one time when no one found one, and you weren't sure if someone swallowed it, or you just forgot to put on in there!).
I have to give you all the credit for my musical and crafty inclinations. You encouraged us to express ourselves through music - the singing, the piano playing, and band practices - and without that, I'm not sure I'd be the person I am today. I made many great friends in band and went on some amazing trips, and even though I was technically a Band Geek, I never really felt that way. I know it was your encouragement and continued ushering to keep up with piano lessons that has given me the gift and appreciation of music (hence our regular outings to the TSO). I hope one day to do the same for my children. And let's face it, the cooking and baking, seeing you in the kitchen every day, that must be where I get some of my creative genius. For all that and much, much more, Mom, there are never enough Thank You cards to send to tell you just who much you mean to me.

Mom, I hope you enjoyed the meal; I owe that and so much more all to you.
What a nice post dedicated to your mom! And Marg is indeed very nice, just like your father! I still remember how well they treated me when I was in Canada and how much they helped me! My greetings to them! :)