Monday, May 07, 2012

Crafty Find: Melted Crayon Art

I’ve seen some really creative artwork on the Internet lately, and this one caught my eye. Not only is it colorful and cheerful, but it’s also a great little piece of art work that would be easy for you (or kids) to reproduce at home.  All you need is a box of crayons, a blank canvas, some glue, and your hair dryer. Yup, a hair dryer.  I’ve even got the link to instructions if you want to give it a try.
At first, the ones I came across were pretty straightforward, just arranging the crayons in a rainbow effect and melting them, letting the wax drip down.  But why not mix it up? I’ve since seen others incorporating other images and make the melted wax part of the complete work. How about melting blue crayons for rain? 
No one says you have to mount it with the wax dripping down. Use different shades of green, pop on a few fabric flowers, and you’ve got yourself a little garden scene.
You could also try painting the canvas black and using the lighter shades of the rainbow. Finally those white crayons can come in handy!
And for a more artistic arrangement, complete a set of melted crayons. 
These all look so great, are pretty inexpensive to reproduce, and I think it looks like a lot of fun, don’t you? 

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